Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden

Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden (KFBG) spreads over 148 hectares of land and is located on the northern slopes and foothills of Hong Kong's highest mountain, Tai Mo Shan. The farm was originally established to provide assistance to poor farmers in the New Territories but has since evolved into a nature conservation centre, promoting and educating the public on sustainable living. It also undertakes rehabilitating rescued animals.

Large clusters of Prunus campanulata (Taiwan Cherry) that flower abundantly during spring to create a spectacular feature on the side of the mountain. KFBG has several groves of Taiwan Cherry. The tall pine trees surrounding the TS Woo Memorial Pavilion are punctuated by over 200 Taiwan Cherry. These highly attractive flowering trees attract birds and insects including a variety of butterflies. The trees can be seen from afar on the opposite side of the valley and create a spectacular show when in full blossom. During Chinese New Year, the hill is covered in a sea of pink cherry blossoms, making the area around T.S. Woo Pavilion one of the most popular attractions in Kadoorie Farm.
