Oi Kwan Road

Oi Kwan Road is a road in Morrison Hill, an area between Wan Chai and Happy Valley occupied by schools, medical establishments and recreational facilities. The road is lined with Melia azedarach, commonly known as Chinaberry tree or white cedar.

Melia azedarach is a middle sized deciduous tree reaching 7-12m tall, with clusters of pale purple petals in late spring and marble-sized, bright yellow bundles of fruits hanging on the tree during winter. The tree roots grow extensively and reaches deep ground, which is a perfect solution for reducing land degradation.

The tree is also notable for its medical use. The bark and root bark can be used to treat tinea such as athlete’s foot, whereas the leaves and flowers can be used to clear heat, dry dampness and relieve itching. Furthermore, extract made from parts of the tree can also be produced into pesticides for more than a hundred kinds of insects.
