开启 / 关闭
DEVB TC(W) No. 3/2012 - Site Coverage of Greenery for Government Building Projects(只提供英文版本)
DEVB TC(W) No. 6/2015 - Maintenance of Vegetation and Hard Landscape Features(只提供英文版本)
DEVB TC(W) No. 5/2017 - Community Involvement in Planting Works(只提供英文版本)
DEVB TC(W) No. 1/2018 - Soft Landscape Provisions for Highway Structures(只提供英文版本)
DEVB TC(W) No. 4/2020 - Tree Preservation(只提供英文版本)
DEVB TC(W) No. 5/2020 - Registration and Preservation of Old and Valuable Trees(只提供英文版本)
DEVB TC(W) No. 3/2024 - Allocation of Space for Quality Greening along Roads(只提供英文版本)
开启 / 关闭
树木管理作业备考第1号: 施工期间保育树木的工作
树木管理作业备考第2号: 私人物业树木风险管理步骤
树木管理作业备考第3号: 修剪树木
树木管理作业备考第4号: 管理受褐根病感染的树木
开启 / 关闭
Guiding Principles on Use of Native Plant Species in Public Works Projects(只提供英文版本)
Appendix A -
Recommended Native Plant Species for Use in Ornamental and Roadside Planting(只提供英文版本)
Appendix B -
Recommended Native Plant Species for Use in Planting on Man-made Slopes(只提供英文版本)
Appendix C -
Recommended Native Plant Species for Use in Soil Erosion Control Planting on Natural Hill Slopes(只提供英文版本)
Guidelines on Greening of Noise Barriers(只提供英文版本)
Guidelines on Soil Improvement(只提供英文版本)
Guidelines on Soil Volume for Urban Trees(只提供英文版本)