
Scientific Name : Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.
Common Name : Jackfruit
Chinese Name : 菠蘿蜜, 樹菠蘿, 木菠蘿
Local distribution status : Exotic species

Anecdotes on plants

Origins India. It is mostly cultivated in tropical regions. It also has distribution in South China, such as Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, and Yunnan provinces.
Origins of name: When speaking of the Jackfruit (菠蘿蜜in Chinese), we often think of the Heart Sūtra (also known as Prajñāpāramitāhṛdaya, or 《般若波羅蜜多心經》in Chinese) which is written by “Tang Sanzang” Great Master Xuanzang. But, what is the connection between the two? “波羅蜜多”, a transliteration of the Sanskrit word “pāramitā” in the Sūtra, means to “reach fulfilment” or “step towards perfection”, and does not refer to the tree species.
However, the Chinese name of the Jackfruit “菠蘿蜜” still has a relationship with Buddhism. The Compendium of Materia Medica (Bencao Gangmu) stated: “Pāramitā, Sanskrit. Since its fruit is sweet, hence it is given the name”. This reveals the word “pāramitā” also means “sweet” in Sanskrit, the species was given its name because of the sweet flesh of its fruit. According to the investigation of Qing dynasty scholar QU Dajun, the Jackfruit first came from India a thousand years ago and firstly settled in a Buddhist temple along the south coast of Guangdong.
Applications The Jackfruit is a seasonal fruit in summer, and is commonly called “Big-tree Pineapple (大樹菠蘿)” in Hong Kong. But, what is the fleshy orange part that we eat? The structure of the fruit is complex, mainly composed of three parts: the axis of infructescence, the persistent perianth, and the achenes-like fruits which are developed from each individual flowers. In botany, this is called a collective fruit (syncarp) (that is the fruit developed from a single inflorescence). What we usually eat is the persistent perianth of the Jackfruit, which has developed into an edible and fleshy part.
Furthermore, the seeds of the Jackfruit are edible, which are in rich starch content, can be consumed after steaming. Applied in Traditional Chinese Medicine, its fruit exhibits functions of curing hangover and benefiting the spleen, while its kernels aids in tonifying qi and promoting lactation.

Traits for identification

Growing habit Evergreen tree.
Height To 20 m.
Roots Old trees with buttress roots.
Stems Bark of trunk thick, blackish brown. Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) of main trunk 30 to 50 cm. Whole plant contains latex.
Leaves Elliptic to obovate, leathery, spirally arranged. Apex obtuse to acuminate. Margin entire, often 1 to 3 pinnately divided on the leaves of young trees and germinate shoots. Lateral veins 6 to 8 pairs, midveins conspicuously prominent abaxially. Dark green and glossy adaxially, pale green and slightly coarse abaxially. Stipules ovate, annularly amplexicaul, caducous, leaving conspicuous scars.
Flowers Monoecious. Male inflorescences cylindrical to clavate-ellipsoid, axillary on branchlets or brachyblasts; female inflorescences grow on trunk or main branches, fleshy rachis globose. Inflorescence enclosed in spathe-like sheaths when young. Flower smalls and condense.
Fruits Collective fruit (syncarps) large, ellipsoid to globose or irregularly shaped, many dense and stiff hexagonal tubercles and thick hairs on surface, commonly known as “Big-tree Pineapple (大樹菠蘿)” because of its appearance. Yellowish green when young, yellowish brown when mature. Achenes-like fruits narrowly ellipsoid.
Flowering period March to August in Hong Kong.
Fruiting period June to November in Hong Kong.

Scientific name above is based on Hong Kong Herbarium website : https://www.herbarium.gov.hk/en/hk-plant-database/plant-detail/index.html?pType=species&oID=3033

Scientific names from other databases
Flora of China : Artocarpus heterophyllus Lamarck
Plants of the World Online : Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.
