Coral Tree

Scientific Name : Erythrina variegata L.
Common Name : Coral Tree
Chinese Name : 刺桐
Local distribution status : Exotic species

Anecdotes on plants

Origins Between India and Oceania.
Applications The Coral Tree grows rapidly. Its corolla is bright red and eye-catching. Interestingly, its inflorescences look like a bunch of hot peppers from a distance. It is often grown in gardens and along the streets.
The bark of the Coral Tree can be used as the medicine “Haitongpi (海桐皮)”, exhibiting functions of dispelling wind-dampness and freeing the network vessels. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, its flowers help astringency, reduce haemorrhage, while its leaves disperse accumulations and kill parasites.
Toxicity Many parts of the Coral Tree are slightly poisonous, including the roots, stems, bark, leaves, flowers and unripe seeds. Symptoms of poisoning include dizziness, limb weakness, paralysis, inhibited respiration, etc.
Cultivar The cultivar Erythrina variegata L. ‘Pitca’ has a yellow midrib and lateral veins. It is occasionally found in Hong Kong.
Pest-derived disease Erythrina gall wasp (Quadrastichus erythrinae Kim, 2004) could invade Erythrina species, forming galls on their branches and leaves, leading to death due to fungal infections. Since the first record in 2003, Erythrina gall wasp has spread worldwide.

Traits for identification

Growing habit Semi-deciduous tree.
Height To 20 m.
Stems Bark of trunk slightly cracked, slightly orange-brown. Branches with shortly conical straight spines in black colour.
Leaves Pinnately trifoliolate, usually crowded towards apex of branchlets. Leaflets broadly ovate to rhomboid-ovate, membranous. Trinerved, lateral veins 5 pairs. Lateral leaflets slightly smaller. Base of petiolule with a pair of gland-like stipule.
Flowers Inflorescences terminal. Flowers densely arranged at the upper part of rachis, usually paired. Calyx spathe-like, laterally split. Papilionaceous corolla red. Peduncle woody, robust.
Fruits Legume black, cylindrical, thick, slightly curved. With 1 to 8 seed(s). Constricted between seed(s).
Seeds Dark red to brown, reniform.
Flowering period March to May in Hong Kong.
Fruiting period June to August in Hong Kong.

Scientific name above is based on Hong Kong Herbarium website :

Scientific names from other databases
Flora of China : Erythrina variegata Linnaeus
Plants of the World Online : Erythrina variegata L.
