Bismarck Palm

Scientific Name : Bismarckia nobilis Hildebrandt & H. Wendl.
Common Name : Bismarck Palm
Chinese Name : 霸王棕
Local distribution status : Exotic species

Anecdotes on plants

Origins The native Bismarck Palm is confined to Madagascar.
Meanings of name The generic name Bismarckia was named after Otto von Bismarck (1815-1898), who was the first German Chancellor in the 19th century. The species epithet nobilis is pertinent to ‘noble’ in English. Of note, Bismarck Palm is the only species in this genus.

The fronds of Bismarck Palm are primarily dyed in green or silvery blue. The silvery blue Bismarck Palm loves full sunlight and grows particularly fast in hot weather; the mature palm shows moderate tolerance to low temperature. On the contrary, the green Bismarck Palm less acclimatise to coldness and prefers tropical climates.

They both demand well-drained soils in order to prevent root rotting.

Bismarck Palm is considered as a sought-after ornamental component for parks and gardens in view of its towering height and erect stem. The palm with silver blue fronds is always planted as a visual alternative of normal green palm for its more highlighted foliage colour. Bismarck Palm with two types of frond colours can be easily found in Hong Kong Disneyland.

Other than its gorgeous ornamental effect, the stem and leaves are qualified building materials for planks and roofs. The inner stem is starchy and often processed into sago.

Traits for identification

Growing habit Solitary palm.
Height To 20 m tall.
Stem Trunk grey, smooth, with irregular leaf scar rings and vertical fissures, base slightly bulged.
Leaves Fronds asymmetrical flap, palmate, segments 50-70, pale silver blue to blue green, arching, drooping at the tip. Leaf sheath swollen, petiole margin sharp or with short spines, at the tip of the petiole formed halberd, with a thick white wax coating.
Flower Dioecious. Panicles, quadratic branched.Staminate inflorescences relatively longer and thicker, flowers many, small, creamy-white. Pistillate inflorescence shorter.
Fruit Drupes oblong to ovoid, sepia at maturity.
Leaf Leaf blade asymmetric, pale silver-blue to blue-green, palmate, 50-70 lobes, blade arched upward, tip pendulous. Leaf sheaths swollen, petiole margin sharp or with short spines, at the tip of the petiole formed halberd, with a thick white wax coating.
Flowering period Unknown
Fruiting period Unknown

Scientific name above is based on Plant of the World Online website : 

Scientific names from other databases :
― GBIF : Bismarckia nobilis Hildebr. and H. Wendl.
― NParks : Bismarckia nobilis Hildebrandt and H. Wendl.
