Gist of the Nineteenth Meeting held on 2 November 2016
- Members supported GLTMS’ efforts on the establishment of the Arboriculture & Horticulture Industry Training Advisory Committee on 1 October 2016 under the Education Bureau and the Qualification Framework Secretariat. One of the main tasks was to draw up the Specification of Competency Standards for the arboriculture and horticulture industry. The GLTMS would continue to communicate with different stakeholders through positive capacity building workshops.
- Members provided recommendations to enhance the pre-wet season campaign and shared their observations on the tree management during the 2016 wet season. More education and promotion programmes were suggested in particular for students to arouse their interest.
- Members supported that the GLTMS had organised seminars and briefings to the property management companies on proper tree care practice and would organise on site field demonstrations in the coming year to further assist them in practical implementation of the Handbook on Tree Management.
- Members welcomed and commented on the proposed Significant Tree Programme, which could deliver a more sustainable recognition and management framework of significant trees within the urban forestry assets. The GLTMS would formulate a management plan to help identify, preserve and manage the nomination. A retirement strategy with regard to life-cycle planning for the existing Old and Valuable Trees would be worked out to assist with transition arrangement between the two programmes
- The GLTMS updated members of the progress of the pilot study on street ecology strategy. A practical guide would be formulated to provide an overview relating to a recommended tree list to enhance the walkability and the resilience of our streetscape.
- The GLTMS thanked Prof. CY JIM for the sharing of his study on ‘Urban Trees in Compact Cities: Soil Constraints and Solutions’.
- Members appreciated that the GLTMS had been working with HyD on the enhanced control on the Excavation Permit to strengthen tree protection in road excavation works.
- Members supported the removal of the BRRD infected OVT LCSD E/13 in Lei Yue Mun Park. They reiterated the importance of establishing a detailed and clear method statement with strict adherence to proper sanitation procedures in order to prevent disease spreading during the removal of BRRD infected trees, and proper public relations for progressive removal of BRRD infected OVTs.
- Members identified and supported the proposed creation of an Urban Forestry Advisory Panel (UFAP) which would adopt a more holistic approach for urban forestry management with diversified disciplines in addition to tree management. It would help foster stronger relationships with on-ground practitioners locally, regionally and internationally, The GLTMS thanked all members for their contribution and would continue to keep close contact and seek advice from them from time to time in future.
Gist of the Nineteenth Meeting held on 2 November 2016